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为实现仓储粮储量在线实时监测,该研究开发了一种基于三维激光扫描技术的粮食储量在线监测系统。采用自主研制的倒置式粮仓专用型三维激光扫描仪对储粮进行扫描,通过上位机通讯、采集点云数据并控制扫描仪的工作过程,应用粮食体积计算软件实时计算储粮体积和数量,从而解决了仓储粮储量快速高精度监测的问题。使用该系统在中储粮某直属库进行系统验证试验,结果表明,测量得到的粮食体积满足最大误差不超过1%的技术指标,且经过多次试验检验,系统具有较好的稳定性、测量精度高、操作简便等优点,能够满足仓储粮储量监测的要求。该研究为实现仓储粮储量的快速实时在线监测提供了有效的方法。  相似文献   
采用紫花芒、桂香芒、红象牙和印度1号芒果的果实,通过扫描电子显微镜观察,发现果实皮孔少,开口小,蜡质密度大的紫花芒果实耐贮藏。分泌腔多的桂香芒和印度1号果实芳香味浓。果肉薄壁细胞中淀粉粒增多,果实愈趋近成热。薄壁细胞中淀粉粒多的桂香芒,果实后熟后含糖量高。  相似文献   
Decomposition losses from leaves of three evergreen chaparral species, scrub oak (Quercus dumosa), ceanothus (Ceanothus crassifolius), and manzanita (Arctostaphylos glauca), were quantified over a 2-y field exposure using litterbags. Changes in ash-free dry mass, C, and N were monitored at 2- to 6-month intervals at four replicate sites composed of patches of these three chaparral species. Three proximate C fractions were extracted from fresh and decomposing litter samples: polar and non-polar extractives (EXT), acid-solubles (ACID), and acid-insolubles (KLIG). The chemical structure of fresh and decomposed litter was additionally characterized using high-resolution solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy, while morphological properties were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). After 2 y, the litters had lost between 20.7%±1.2 (Ceanothus) and 35.2%±6.8 (Quercus) of their original ash-free dry mass. The manzanita decomposed at a significantly faster rate than the other two litter types during the first few months of field exposure. Yet, after 2 y, mass loss was greater for the oak. Differences in decomposition rates could not be accounted for based on a single litter quality index. Fresh manzanita exhibited a significantly higher N content, which could explain its initially faster decay rate. Fresh oak litter, on the other hand, had a relatively high ACID and O-alkyl C (O-ALK) content, which may have been responsible for its decay pattern. Fresh ceanothus contained a relatively low KLIG content, yet it decomposed more slowly than the two other species. The solid-state 13C NMR spectra of the ceanothus litter had two peaks characteristic of proanthocyanidins, which likely contributed to the recalcitrance of this litter type. SEM revealed that ceanothus leaf surfaces were left nearly unchanged after field exposure. In comparison, the oak and manzanita leaf surfaces were pitted and covered by microbial growth to the point of being unrecognizable. Taken together, our results indicate that a combination of biological, physical and chemical factors need to be examined to clarify the different decomposition rates and patterns of these three chaparral species.  相似文献   
电子流注入水稻幼穗组织培养效应的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以两用核不育系新光S幼穗为材料,以γ射线辐照作对照,研究了电子流注入对水稻离体培养的反应。结果表明,电子流注入对离体培养的效应与γ射线辐照具有相似性。对愈伤组织的诱导、分化主要表现为抑制效应,但对植株再生具有促进作用。10~15秒电子流注入可使幼穗的出愈率和分化率保持对照水平或略低,而再生能力大幅度提高。  相似文献   
龙眼果皮微细结构的扫描电镜观察及其与果实耐贮性的关系   总被引:16,自引:8,他引:16  
龙眼果实极不耐贮藏,采后极易失水、褐变和腐烂。无包装的福眼龙眼在(10±1)℃、50%RH下贮藏1d,果实失重5.84%,果皮失水13.59%,果皮开始褐变;贮藏2 d时果实失重10.37%,果皮失水26.40%,大部分果皮发生褐变;果皮褐变与果实失重、果皮失水都呈极显著正相关(P<0.01);果实失水主要发生在果皮而不是果。0.015 mm厚的聚乙烯薄膜袋密封包装可极显著(P<0.01)地减少果实失重和果皮褐变。用扫描电镜观察龙眼果皮结构,发现其果皮由外果皮、中果皮和内果皮组成。外果皮周皮层薄;外果皮表面栓质少,未形成连续的栓质层;外果皮表面有许多相互连接的微裂口和形状、大小不同的皮孔;中果皮细胞间隙多、空隙大;皮孔通道与中果皮细胞间隙相通。龙眼果蒂部由维管束、石细胞和通气组织组成,具有大的细胞间隙和胞间腔。这些显微结构易引起采后果实失水、果皮褐变和病原微生物侵染,从而导致果实耐藏性和抗病性差。讨论了龙眼外果皮表面主色为褐色和内果皮比外果皮更容易褐变的解剖学原因及龙眼果皮结构与果实保鲜的关系。  相似文献   
为了探讨人参皂苷及其衍生物抗马立克氏病病毒的作用机制.采用马立克氏病毒感染的雏鸡作为模型,人参皂苷及其衍生物口服给药途径,动态观察不同时间段,试验鸡的器官病理变化和脾脏、法氏囊的组织超微结构改变.结果发现人参皂苷及其衍生物组的器官病变程度明显低于病毒对照组,法氏囊和脾脏的超微结构病变轻于病毒对照组,说明人参皂苷及其衍生物在体内可以通过保护机体免疫器官来发挥抗病毒作用.  相似文献   
Purpose  To investigate whether sheets of fetal retinal allografts can integrate into the dystrophic Abyssinian cat retina with progressive rod cone degeneration.
Methods  Fetal retinal sheets (cat gestational day 42), incubated with BDNF microspheres, were transplanted to the subretinal space of four cats at an early disease stage. Cats were studied by fundus examinations, bilateral full-field flash ERGs, and indocyanine green and fluorescein angiograms up to 4 months following surgery. E42 donor and transplanted eyes were analyzed by histology and immunohistochemistry for retinal markers.
Results  Funduscopy and angiography showed good integration of the transplants in two of four cats, including extension of host blood vessels into the transplant and some scarring in the host. In these two, transplants were found in the subretinal space with laminated areas, with photoreceptor outer segments in normal contacts with the host retinal pigment epithelium. In some areas, transplants appeared to be well-integrated within the host neural retina. Neither of these two cats showed functional improvement in ERGs. In the other two cats, only remnants of donor tissue were left. Transplants stained for all investigated cellular markers. No PKC immunoreactivity was detected in the fetal donor retina at E42, but developed in the 4-month-old grafts.
Conclusions  Fetal sheet transplants can integrate well within a degenerating cat retina and develop good lamination of photoreceptors. Functional improvement was not demonstrated by ERG in cats with well-laminated grafts. Transplants need to be further evaluated in cat host retinas with a more advanced retinal degeneration using longer follow-up times.  相似文献   
采用免疫荧光技术,在激光扫描共聚焦显微镜下观察并分析猪GV期和MⅡ期卵母细胞的细胞骨架分布。结果发现,猪新鲜GV期与MⅡ期卵母细胞的微管、微丝和染色体结构与分布,具有不同的特点和规律。在GV期卵母细胞,结构完整的微管尚未形成;染色体未发生致密化,仍存在于生发泡内;而微丝则分布于质膜下及整个胞质中。MⅡ期卵母细胞的微管,主要存在于纺锤体上,少量微管出现在第一极体周围;染色体排列于纺锤体赤道板上;微丝均匀分布于质膜下。本研究表明,微管、微丝和染色体三者间密切联系、相互作用,共同参与卵母细胞成熟与发育进程的调控。  相似文献   
Microbial biomass and mineralization of atrazine [2-chloro-4(ethylamino)-6(isopropylamino)s-triazine] and 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorphenoxyacetic acid) were examined in the top 10 cm of riparian pasture soils and in the litter layer and top 10 cm of mineral soils of riparian forest ecosystems. The riparian forest litter had higher levels of active and total fungal biomass than forest or pasture mineral soils in winter, spring, and fall. Active bacterial biomass was higher in forest litter than in forest and pasture mineral soils in spring and autumn, and higher in forest mineral soils than in pasture soils in summer. Total bacterial biomass was higher in forest mineral soils than in pasture soils during all seasons. In spring, it was also higher in forest litter than in pasture soils. Atrazie and 2,4-D mineralization in pasture soils was exceeded by that in forest litter in spring and autumn and by that in forest mineral soils in summer and autumn. There was no correlation between either active or total fungal and bacterial biomass with pesticide degradation.  相似文献   
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